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West LegalEdcenter brings you continuing legal education programs from outstanding local, state and national content partners right to your desktop.

West LegalEdcenter authorized content partners include:


The American Bar Association is the largest voluntary professional association in the world. With nearly 400,000 members, the ABA provides law school accreditation, continuing legal education, information about the law, programs to assist lawyers and judges in their work, and initiatives to improve the legal system for the public.

Only the American Bar Association offers high-quality CLE in such a comprehensive range of relevant topics to benefit every legal professional across the nation. ABA members enjoy reduced rates for most of our programs. So if you’re required by your state to earn CLE credits, or if you want to stay current on the latest legal developments and opportunities, you can choose from hundreds of live and recorded programs. The ABA Center for Continuing Legal Education works closely with experts from the ABA Sections and other entities and from the profession at large in developing programs and products. It serves as the central resource for the ABA and the profession for up-to-the-minute, quality CLE distributed through a variety of convenient formats.

Member programs, customized services, authoritative publications, and discounted products are available to members at all career stages – whether entering the field, beginning or expanding a practice, changing specialties or work settings, or planning for retirement or a second career. For more information about membership benefits and joining the ABA, visit www.americanbar.org/membership.html or call 800-285-2221.


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